Option 1: Catholic
What is SRE?
Special Religious Education (SRE) is the time set aside in Government Schools for Catechists (also called SRE Teachers) from the local Catholic Church to teach Catholic children about Jesus and his message of salvation. SRE is mandated by the Education Act (1990) and gives parents the choice to have children formed in the faith of their family.
Why is SRE Taught?
The Catholic Church sees the education of Catholic children in the Faith as integral and key to its mission. The NSW Department of Education (DOE) describes SRE “as an integral part of school activities.” SRE can be seen then, as part of “a well-rounded education that values and supports the intellectual, creative, physical, social, spiritual and emotional development of each child.”
What is Taught?
Catholic SRE teaching programs are approved by the Bishop of the Diocese in liaison with educational experts, for use by SRE Teachers. Programs contain suitable lessons for children from Kindergarten to Year 6. For more information about the program used in your child’s school, please see your local Parish SRE Coordinator or your Parish Priest.
Option 2: Protestant
Combined Christian SRE (using Anglican Curriculum)
Christian SRE is education in Christian beliefs and practices for children of families from various Christian denominations and churches. Christian SRE teachers at this school are authorised and trained by the following approved SRE providers; St Clair Anglican Church, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Glenwood and Life Church, Castle Hill.
The SRE curriculum used in this school is produced by Christian Education Publications and is approved by each SRE provider. The curriculum explores the good news about Jesus Christ found in the Bible and the depth of God’s love for people. Each lesson has been developed to be taught in an age-appropriate manner. Lessons include activities which make the lessons fun and inclusive for children and young people, and also give them the opportunity to critically explore and deepen their faith, pray, and reflect.
Research has shown that SRE contributes to students’ wholistic education as it nurtures their spiritual wellbeing. For more information about the SRE curriculum used in this school visit whysre.com.au
Option 3 : Islamic
Islamic scripture is the largest scale educational initiative in Australia which provides comprehensive education opportunities for Muslim children, equipping them with fundamental Islamic life skills and knowledge.
Our ability to engage with students is an incredible privilege. Through educating, nurturing and supporting our students, we can truly make a world of difference in their lives, their communities and society as a whole.
As a parent of a Muslim child who attends an NSW Public school and whose child attends Islamic Scripture lessons, you can rest assured that we’re doing our very best to ensure your child receives an optimum Islamic educational experience.
Our dedicated team of volunteer teachers and curriculum writers are committed to creating engaging and insightful lessons that all students can benefit from.
Currently, our team of over 400 volunteer staff teach more than 26,500 students each week. This equates to nearly 400 Hours of Islamic learning in the school life of each child.
Our program uniquely caters for key learning stages in your child’s school life. Throughout the years, students will cover everything from the basics of faith- such as the pillars of Iman and Islam, to moral and manners, Islamic celebrations, prophets and role models as well as ethics and how to develop a positive sense of identity.
We believe these topics will set the foundations for life-long learning and a healthy Islamic outlook which will enable students to develop a stronger connection with their Creator, and hence a stronger connection with themselves, their school, their community and society as a whole.